Air and Fuel

Truck Flag

Beach Jeep

Red Rock Jeep 2

Red Rock Jeep

What Are Customers Asking For To Find Your Products?

What Are Customers Asking For To Find Your Products?

Getting your products sold online means people that are looking for those products must be able to find your site.  Any search query can bring up an overwhelming amount of results.  Many times a client will tell me that they want to "rank" for a certain word or phrase but when I question why they picked that particular word their answer is just a guess.  "I think people would look for that". 

97% Of Businesses Fail Online, Why?

97% of businesses fail online.  Why?

The desire to create and enjoy success online is not an uncommon desire for most business owners.

The lure of online business is clear.  A brick and motor business is limited to hours in the day as well as geographical conditions that limit the amount of consumers that a business can service.

This is not the case for an online ecommerce store.  A website is not limited to hours in a day or driving distance to the store. 

Consumer Psychology Losing The Sale

Forrester Research predicts that online sales will reach $370 billion per year by 2017.  The U.S.. Census Bureau predicts that 58% of all the people in the US will shop online. There is a psychology to online shopping.
Let’s explore who is doing the shopping online.

65.7% of shoppers are between 25 and 54 years old, of those shoppers 59.1% are female.  Incomes for households over $50k make up 57.3% and shoppers seem to be educated with 77.9% having at least some collage and higher.



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